Crossman Acquisitions are interested in both brownfield (previously developed) and greenfield land opportunities. Therefore, if you have land or buildings that you think may have development potential then please provide details HEREWe will then undertake a free appraisal of the land’s planning potential and will be in touch to discuss how we can assist in realising its maximum value.

The Process

Most land has a value which can be enhanced by obtaining planning permission for a more profitable land use. Unfortunately, obtaining planning permission is now more complex and expensive than ever before. However, Crossman Acquisitions has a proven track record of successfully navigating the complexities of the planning system and maximising land’s development value. Therefore, we would structure any land purchase on the basis that Crossman Acquisitions absorbs all of the costs associated with securing planning permission. With this approach, we take all the risks, whilst the landowner pays nothing, yet has everything to gain.

Crossman Acquisitions will consider all types of deal structure, including:

  • Conditional and unconditional purchases;
  • Subject to planning deals;
  • Promotion and option agreements; and
  • Landowner joint ventures.

We will always endeavor to structure a land deal in a way that is mutually beneficial for all parties.

Please contact Matthew to discuss your land’s development potential:


Telephone: 07442199028