Welcome to the Crossman Group’s public consultation in respect of its proposals for the conversion of Christchurch Hall, Portland Street, Clifton.
Historic Context
Christchurch Hall is a Grade II listed building. Originally constructed as a warehouse in circa 1850, the building has since been used as a parish hall, before being purchased by the BBC in 1986 for a recording studio and office space. It is presently occupied by the Bristol Old Vic Theatre School (BOVTS) who use the building for a recording studio, teaching space and offices. The building has seen numerous changes over the years, most specifically when the BBC made significant changes to the building to create the soundproof recording studios. These works also included the installation of a new roof.

Site Photographs

Given the various uses of the property, the building has been subject to extensive internal changes. These alterations have been significant, and have resulted in the loss of much of the internal historic fabric, and also the addition of modern features, such as sound proofing internal cladding, and more notable additions such as the replacement roof which was installed in 1986.
The proposed development will be undertaken in a sympathetic way, thereby retaining the remaining historic fabric, and will also seek to reveal those historic features previously hidden by earlier phases of development.
Proposed Development
The internal fit-out of the building is now aged, and no longer meets the needs of the building’s current tenants, Bristol Old Vic Theatre School. The theatre school will therefore be vacating the property, and moving to modern, fit for purpose facilities. Given the absence of any credible market interest for a continuation of the property’s existing use, the Crossman Group now intends to re-develop the building with a mixed use scheme. The development will comprise of:
- 9 residential apartments:
- 2 x 1 bed;
- 4 x 2 beds;
- 3 x 3 beds.
- 237m2 of office space.
The residential element will deliver a mix of apartment sizes, thereby helping to meet the housing needs of the wider community. The proposed office accommodation will be occupied in part, by the Crossman Group. It is proposed that the remaining office space will be utilised as a ‘community office hub’, which will provide a hot-desking service, meeting rooms and associated facilities that can be rented out by those working from home in the local community, who on occasion, require a more formal working environment.
As the property is located in a highly sustainable location, the development will be largely car free. However, two car parking spaces are proposed which will be allocated for office use during the day and then re-allocated to the two largest apartments during the evenings and at weekends. Secure cycle parking will be located within the development for 16 cycle spaces. Covered refuse storage will be provided adjacent to the proposed car parking spaces, immediately to the south of Portland Street.
Working with the council’s heritage officers, the proposed development will seek to better reveal the building’s historic fabric. The only external works proposed to the building comprise the re-instatement of previously blocked windows, and also the replacement of the existing roof with a mansard roof.
Benefits of the Development
The following benefits would result from the development:
- The delivery of 9 residential apartments at a time when the council are experiencing a critical shortage of housing delivery;
- The ability to provide high quality office floorspace both for the employees of the Crossman Group but also a community office hub for local residents;
- The restoration and ongoing conservation of a Grade II listed building;
- The building conversion would achieve a 72.10% reduction in CO2 emissions;
- It would be a predominantly car free development.
We would like to hear your thoughts on the principle of the proposed scheme. Your feedback will help inform the next stage of our design before we submit a planning and listed buildings application to Bristol City Council. Once these applications have been submitted, you will be able to view the technical submission and full suite of architectural drawings in more detail.
Please send your comments to
Thank you,
The Crossman Group